The Mentis are a variant of Harpves, although The Mentis doesn't have the different kinds of animal traits and abilities that their cousins do.
Mentis are intelligent reptiles that hold a feline appearance.
They hail from the southern border of Asgardia and breed like rabbits in the cluster of dwarf planets that litter their part of our Star Mother, Asgardia. It's as common to see a Mentis as it is common to be bothered by a Fruit Fly.
It's often claimed by Humans that The Mentis remind them of the more rural folk in the more southern parts of The United States of Darling. The Mentis take this as a compliment, where as most Star Folk with a Common Language would probably snap that Human's spine for implying such a disgraceful thing.
Mentis hold a lower intelligence, but have an exceptional livability rate in all kinds of extreme weathers. They don't need oxygen to survive, and their bodies adjust their internal temperature to be comfortable in the hottest and coldest weather our Star Mother can throw at them.
Species of Superior Intelligence often claim that The Mentis are no more than a common vermin.
Humans get along well with Mentis purely because they find them cute. Mentis like Humans because of their varying cultures. They can often be found sharing traditions and collectible items from their respective planets.
Inter-Species Relationships are sometimes frowned upon in Human and Suman communities because Mentis look a lot like Cats.